| Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hello play!!!!!!!!
Goodbye work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~feeling high~~
the purple piggy oinked 8:56 AM
| Tuesday, October 21, 2008
somethings wrong with my blog's time.
Anyway, shall REALLY go pack now.
the purple piggy oinked 11:06 PM
I positively hate yellow noodles. Bland pee-coloured noodles floating about unappetizingly in a bowl of tasteless soup. Who would want to eat it! (especially after the referance to pee, but anyway)
Raining AGAIN. The clouds here must be overloaded with water vapour.
Ode to rainRain is nice.cool and cleansing,washing away the heat and sweat,leaving behind the cool wetness of what we all call,Rain.Packing up to be done. MUAHAHAHA!!! I love packing up! YAY!!!! oh. Just remembered that I still have lots of packing to be done. Shall do it now.
Ode to packingPacking up,Books and knick-knacks packed unwillingly,into a box,that would be their home,for many long days and nights.All because,their owner is,Packing.
the purple piggy oinked 10:56 PM
| Sunday, October 19, 2008
Once again, THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU GRACE, JOEY, JESSYE, YUNG CI, YU JING, CHUAN XIN for that superdupermuper wonderful joint birthday party yesterday and the presents!!
The first time I actually went to play badminton voluntarily, and my first purely friends, and joint, birthday party!!
I LOVE THE PIGGY AND THE BEAR!!!!! My first ever piggy soft toy named Piggy.
The mango cake was d~e~l~i~c~i~o~u~s!! Not to mention the junk food feast that came afterwards.
I managed to overcome my saliva-consciousness too!
Oh, and the ants launched a full scale attack on the cake. Luckily none of them climbed onto the cake. But me, Charis and Shavonne had to hurriedly blow and cut the cake before another attack was launched.
I thought my stomach was gonna go *BANG* when we ran around the track, but apparently it didnt.
Anyway, we had fun playing in the sand, but had to rub out our words so that no one would know we were there. tsk.
Then we went back to the hostel to play dare or dare. I had to hug a lamppost and shout I LOVE THE LAMPPOST! (*_*'")
Nice but weird day.
PS: Shavonne, THANKYOU for your paper holder!!
the purple piggy oinked 1:13 AM
| Saturday, October 18, 2008
I. A.M. B.O.R.E.D
somebody save me
the purple piggy oinked 11:47 PM
when you are dying, what would you think of doing?
Here's what I would like to do:
1. Argue with a lawyer, and WIN.
2. Play as many games as possible.
3. Watch my schoolbooks and testpapers go up in flames.
4. Bore my family with retellings of absolutely LAME jokes.
5. Go to the doctor, cure my whatever-thats-gonna-kill-me illness and carry on living life, minus the schoolbooks and testpapers.
the purple piggy oinked 11:12 PM
A few more artpieces

I photoshopped this during CCA.

The magical portal to another world that is actually directly above us except that we don't realise it.
the purple piggy oinked 10:54 PM
D~E~E~P ART....... Thanks to Charis, who got me addicted to PAINT. Now I do about 5 per day.The purply-blue tongue is nice, isn't it? That's cuz the smiley has a cold. The red smiley's constipated! BTW, HAPPY EARLY BDAY CHARIS AND SHAVONNE!!&, THANKYOU JOEY, JESSYE, YUNG CI, SHAVONNE, GRACE, CHARIS, CHUAN XIN AND YU JING!!!!i love my piggy and bear and paper holder.
the purple piggy oinked 10:39 PM