| Tuesday, January 27, 2009
the words are there, but the rhythm fails me.
the purple piggy oinked 5:01 AM
| Friday, January 16, 2009
dun ask me what im writing. im not so sure myself
the purple piggy oinked 10:24 PM
a new saga has dawned.
too many of old and new,
yet the mix is dashing to see.
without a taste, who will know
yet to taste is too hard for sure.
having fermented for years in the cellar,
the sudden switch is welcome yet not.
compelled to do it no matter what,
the spoon travels slowly to the mouth.
sweet sour bitter hot
disgusting yet tasty
the spoon returns for another load
condemned to do so til the end of time.
the purple piggy oinked 10:16 PM
im very bored.
im still bored.
muahaha. HAHAHAHA!!!
the purple piggy oinked 10:14 PM
| Sunday, January 11, 2009
the purple piggy oinked 1:11 AM
when the world turns black and silver, you know its time to kill the *all expletives known to man* printer.
the purple piggy oinked 1:07 AM
.collection of jiayi songs.
Jingle Bells
Jingle bells, Monkey smells, Joey laid an egg,Inside the egg was Jessye Leng,And she came out cry-ing!Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you,Jo-ey smells like poo,Happy birthday to Jessye,Joey still smells like poo.Just found out that all of the subjects are joey and jessye. ohwell.
the purple piggy oinked 1:01 AM