| Saturday, March 19, 2011
bleach, kekkaishi.
the purple piggy oinked 2:02 AM
| Tuesday, March 15, 2011
If you do not know it, then I shall enlighten you. This is the form of true despair.
Hearts, you say? You Humans are always so quick to speak of such things. As though you carry your hearts in the very palms of your hands. But this eye of mine perceives all. There is nothing that it overlooks. If this eye cannot see a thing, then it does not exist. That is the assumption under which I have always fought. What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?
as i said, ulquiorra.
the purple piggy oinked 5:46 AM
| Monday, March 14, 2011
rotting children.
the purple piggy oinked 8:43 AM
little toddler: i'm going to die! my finger pain.
mother to her daughter, who's doing a crossword: no i don't think that's a horse! it looks so dumb, only donkeys look so dumb.
the purple piggy oinked 3:38 AM
| Friday, March 11, 2011
quicksand quickill quickdeath
devour, savour,
happy sappy
the purple piggy oinked 7:32 AM
| Thursday, March 10, 2011
i eat you.
the purple piggy oinked 6:25 AM
| Wednesday, March 9, 2011
petals flutter to the ground,
bathed in salt as the echoes reverberate
quickstep tread,
smashed death.
the purple piggy oinked 4:54 AM
| Monday, March 7, 2011
the cloud swirls and solidifies as the daggers aim outward to pierce from within.
the claws shriek with glee as the slashes fillet the supposedly tough but oh-so-tender.
eat, devour whole, says the rows of sharpened teeth,
the appetite whetted by a long list of failures.
cry, weep in despair, says the pointed spear
the blood drawn in a successful attempt to see tears.
die, a horrible death, says the victim
the spirit broken by years of torture.
stop, the uselessness, says the writer
the once pretty flow of words morphing into monsters that slash at the young one.
the purple piggy oinked 4:16 AM
| Friday, March 4, 2011
sorrowful laughter as the harsh glare of the stage lights crack the armour and causes the mask to peel.
standing poised in the centre of the stage,
the axe swings down,
half a person half a life twice the unhappiness.
the purple piggy oinked 7:47 AM
| Thursday, March 3, 2011
accidental death
purposeful laughter
quickdeath die.
the purple piggy oinked 4:42 AM
| Tuesday, March 1, 2011
no not two. three, four?
a desperate cry for help,
for the mixed to go away,
happy sad angry fear does not mix please go away why are you still here let it be this can't be but it is what can be done no one to help no one to see no one to listen the pleas ignored by the pleader herself maybe maybe the bubbling over will stop but it wouldn't and who can help not that desperate but maybe so.
uncomprehending? i hope so for if even the pleader ignores the cries then maybe this all is legitimate but what of that why should you care i do not know but i wish you would.
if the times where this all was thought to end were documented and the increasingly violent self destructions have been told what would you say i hope nothing because is that not what you have been doing for so long let it out let it all out but some things cannot go they just refuse to go and so someone has to help but no one helps and the little girl doesn't know how to help herself or ask for help so it just stays there.
do you understand that this is coming to an end soon but the child secretly knows that hope is still there. but if it keeps hiding, and repeated scouring for it does not work, well.
the claws from within have ripped the flesh to shreds of tears.
hidden pins stabbing from outside kill,
the spirit crushed and the little girl desperate.
the purple piggy oinked 6:27 AM
two! why two!
why not one?
so torn, split personalities.
dr jekyll and mr hyde.
i fear that the transformation might come
childhood nightmares
overactive imaginations smirk from a corner
lurking, always hiding in the shadows
the dark sun
happy depression
void existence
living death.
now you tell me what to do.
the purple piggy oinked 6:16 AM
dear xinyi,
your awesomeness is best represented in a poem.
swinter, turtles, neatness.
when my desk was actually tidy
i could actually get chem
and just pure awesomeness as a stretchy desk partner who does splits when she studies and draws pretty pretty dresses on my beloved notebook,
which i still have not finished writing in.
and because i wasn't supposed to start waxing lyrical,
i miss the times when we sat together.
i'll hug you when i next see you, yeah? =)
the purple piggy oinked 6:10 AM